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Interfaith Clergy Coalition
The winter holidays have, in recent years, turned into a “religious holiday competition.” If Chanukah is the festival of lights, how come Christmas gets all the flashy decorations? Christmas gets cookies but at least Chanukah gets things fried in oil. Presents? Yeah, we’ve got that too, but we get presents for 8 nights – so […]
Torah and Winter (Rabbi Shalhevet)
For many, the months of November and December can be very difficult. There are less hours of sunshine daily. The weather is cold and dreary. Sadly, we know that there is plenty of time until the weather warms up. Winter is the time when the earth looks barren. Plants don’t thrive. Animals hibernate. Less and […]
What makes Thanksgiving feel Jewish? (Cantor Ashkenazy)
Think back to the cusp of fall and winter in 2013…do you recall any excitement surrounding Thursday, November 28th? We eagerly gathered with friends and family to celebrate the momentous occasion. Some of us even bought special edition chanukiyot from Kickstarter shaped like turkeys in anticipation of the statistically incredible event- Thanksgivukkuh-the coinciding of Thanksgiving […]
It’s Hard to Be Jewish Alone (Larry Henin)
On October 8, 2019, I delivered my Kol Nidre appeal speech. Although a large number of members were in attendance that evening, I have decided to publish it below for the benefit of those members who were not present and to reinforce my message to those who were. Before doing so I want to set […]
A Sanctuary At Home (Rabbi Shalhevet)
July 5, 2020 by nssadmin • Blog
We moved our services from people in the synagogue to only the clergy in the synagogue. Then we moved our services to our homes. As Helayne and I navigated how to move everything we do at work to our home, we began to create a sacred space in our house from where we would lead […]