What Brings You Here? (Beth Bucheister)
The President’s note is purposeful if it provides information that , once read, is beneficial to congregants. The note needs to express the indebtedness of our staff, including our Rabbi, Executive Director, teachers, maintenance and office staff. The President’s note should highlight past and upcoming important synagogue events, fundraising efforts, school achievements, and our ability to bring joy and a sense of belonging to our community. There is no question that the entire Board of Trustees and me value the contributions of everyone we work with and serve. I am writing this just after the amazing Chanukah celebration with over 300 in attendance and the acquisition of a third year of the universal Pre-K program due to our successful reputation of providing wonderful services to the 4 years olds who attend this program in our building. I am very grateful that many people have expressed the feeling that North Shore Synagogue is a place to feel good, uplifted, and at home. We enter the year 2023 with excited anticipation of more good things ahead.
Everyone has their “thing” that brings them to 83 Muttontown Eastwoods Road. The Shabbat family and musical services bring people who enjoy a spirited and lively way to end one week and start another. Some Friday nights, there are those who come to remember loved ones on the anniversary of their passing. Parents come to bring their kids to Religious or Nursery School and for B’nei mitzvah lessons. Recently, one parent asked me how to show his daughter his connections to the synagogue while he was encouraging her to attend religious school. I told him that I love Torah Study. Every Saturday morning, there is a group of people that come together to try and understand this week’s torah portion. No Hebrew or prior knowledge required, is how it’s promoted. That might not sound as good as a game of pickleball or a round of golf or even sleeping late after a long week. And yet, it is an amazing time for those who attend. We read a text that was written thousands of years ago. We debate the importance of repeated words, why harsh punishment is presented as a solution, and how the writings of history can be applied today. When I think about being a Jewish woman in the Reform movement, I understand why I believe in the value of change. When I drive on Shabbat, I am not beating or harming an animal, when I turn on the lights in my home, I am not working to light a fire. And, through Torah study, I can respect the value of traditions being held that are not “modern.” Most importantly, attending Torah study is a place that I learn from our Rabbi, and other clergy or lay leaders who bring lessons from the parsha to those in the group. We end our study with a small service, a few pertinent prayers, as well as prayers for healing and remembrance. It is a small group where we can share, perhaps, why those names are important and by that action keep them in the hearts and minds of others.
I wish everyone a healthy and peaceful 2023. We will continue to have something for everyone here at North Shore Synagogue and I hope to see you all soon. Thank you for your continued support.
Journey into the new year with (Jewish) holidays (Rabbi Shalhevet)
January 3, 2023 by nssadmin • Blog
This is all to lead us into the intriguing idea that our Jewish holidays do not only stand alone as celebrations, ceremonies, or memorials, but rather also take us on a journey through the year and our lives, teaching us valuable lessons as we travel together. Even if we do not celebrate each holiday, knowing about them can help us to glean lessons to help shape our lives.
This year, on January 3rd, there is a holy day known as the Fast of Tevet. It falls on the 10th day of the Jewish month of Tevet and in Hebrew is called “Aseret B’Tevet”, just meaning the 10th of Tevet. Unlike religious holidays, this day of remembrance, repentance, and commemoration begins at sunRISE on January 3rd and ends at night on the same day. The 10th of Tevet is not a later thought in our history, it is actually mentioned in our bible as well. In the book of Second Kings, chapter 25, verse one, our Bible states, “In the ninth year of Zedekiah’s reign, on the tenth day of the tenth month, Nebuchadnezzar moved against Jerusalem with his whole army. He besieged it; and they built towers against it all around. The city continued in a state of siege until the eleventh year of King Zedekiah.” Thus the 10th of Tevet is a day to remember when Nebuchadnezzar began his siege of Jerusalem until it finally fell, and the first Temple was destroyed on the 9th of Av over 2 years later. This day of fasting bears witness to the destruction of our people’s way of life and what could have been the complete destruction of our people.
A month and three days later, on February 6th this year, we will celebrate Tu B’shevat. Another holiday known only by its date (the 15th of Shevat), Tu B’shevat is one of our four Jewish new year. It’s not so unusual to have more than one new year. We in America have January 1st as the official new Calendar year, with April 15th marking the tax year and sometime in September marking the school year. So, Jews have many new years as well. Tu B’shevat is the new year of the trees. It is not mentioned in the bible, but rather has a later creation, when the Jews are more settled in our lands and we can actually count how old the very trees we planted are. On Tu B’shevat, it is traditional to have a seder mirroring our Passover seder with four glasses of wine, but they move from white wine to rose to red in order to celebrate the seasons. We plant seeds in the hopes that new life will grow, and it has become somewhat of a tradition to plant parsley on Tu B’shevat to use when it grows as the parsley on our seder plates for Passover.
Yet one month later on the evening of March 6th to the evening of March 7th is the holiday of Purim. A holiday of complete joy and celebration. A holiday where our Heroine Esther saves her people through dishonesty, seduction, and bravery. (Feel free to attend my Purim class as we get closer to this holiday to hear the true Danielle Steel novel that the book of Esther really is!) Anyway, the book of Purim is pure joy, fun, and silly antics rejoicing in the saving of our people.
So, what do these holidays come along to teach us on this journey? From the Fast of Tevet through Tu B’shevat to Purim we go from destruction to planting seeds in the hopes that they will grow, to celebrating the success and survival of our people. Our holiday timeline echoes the line from Psalm 126, “Those who sow in tears will reap in joy.”
So let us remember as we travel through the winter to the spring from January through March, to keep our holidays in mind. When we feel like we are under siege, when we feel that our walls have been breached and all is lost. Take the time to mourn – but only from sunrise until nightfall, not the full time of a normal holiday. Then plant a seed and tend it. If we tend it and care for it, we will one day reap in joy and laughter as the book of Esther says, “La Yehudim Hayta Ora, v’simcha v’sasson vikar. For the Jews had light and gladness, happiness and honor. May it be so with us and all the world.”
Kein Y’hi Ratzon. Be this God’s will.