Light Chanukah Candles with Us!

Celebrate Chanukah with us this year!

On the first night, Wednesday December 25th:

  • Join Rabbi Shalhevet at the Plainview MidIsland Y JCC at 1:30 PM as part of their Chanukah Fair which starts at 11am
  • Join Rabbi Shalhevet for the Syosset menorah lighting at 4:00 PM (50 Jackson Ave)
  • Join Rabbi Shalhevet, Cantor Hevenstone and Jacquelynn Golub via Zoom at 5:30 PM – Click Here to Join

View, print or listen to the Chanukah prayers >>

Chanukah Shabbat Service on Friday December 27th at 7:30 PM

Bring your own menorah and candles to light up our sanctuary with the glow of Chanukah. Enjoy a participatory service with loads of Chanukah songs, then stay for latkes and doughnuts at the oneg!

Last Night of Chanukah on Wednesday January 1st at 5:00 PM

Come to NSS to light the menorah, sing songs, play dreidel games, have pizza, and enjoy some magic by Magic by Elle (our congregant Linda Robbins!)