For more information on specific funds or to establish a fund, please contact the synagogue president via email or leave a message in the office.
Clergy Funds
RABBI SHALHEVET’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: provides for emergency and special needs for the Temple and Jewish organizations in the community.
CANTOR HEVENSTONE’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: provides for emergency and special needs for the Temple and Jewish organizations in the community.
RABBI WHIMAN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: provides emergency relief to individuals or organizations in the community in need of speedy assistance.
RABBI DANIEL FOGEL MEMORIAL FUND: sponsors lectures on important Jewish subjects at local universities.
RABBI ROBERT M. BENJAMIN MEMORIAL FUND: honoring the memory of Rabbi Robert Benjamin. Donations to this fund are not earmarked for a specific purpose.
CANTOR DAVID TAUBER MEMORIAL FUND: to continue Cantor Tauber’s passion for teaching the musical and cultural traditions of Judaism to the students of our Religious School and to inspire in our congregation a love of Israel, the land and its people.
CANTOR RENÉE COLESON MEMORIAL FUND: to enrich the musical and spiritual life of the congregation through a variety of programs in education and music
Special Funds
General Funds
NORTH SHORE SYNAGOGUE FUND: for general operation of the Synagogue
YAHRZEIT FUND: donations in memory of loved ones
ONEG AND FLOWERS FUND: defray the cost of Shabbat and festival flowers in the sanctuary and festive Onegs.
Tzedakah, Caring and Mitzvah Fund
MITZVAH/CARING/ENVIRONMENTAL FUND: provides funding and defrays costs for our monthly and ongoing Mitzvah, Caring and Environmental projects.
HOLIDAY FOOD FUND: provides meals for needy Jewish families on Jewish holidays.
JEWISH ELDERLY FUND: provides luncheons and other services for the Jewish elderly who live in older areas of New York City.
MARTIN H. BIRNBAUM FEED-THE-NEEDY FUND: provides food for needy families through Hatzilu, DOROT, Project Ezra, and the Interfaith Nutrition Network.
TZEDAKAH FUND: provides funds to support different causes determined by the Mitzvah and Caring committee including support for the local community.
SISTERHOOD RUTH SCHINDLER MEMORIAL FUND: provides money to “Happiness is Camping,” a summer camp for children with cancer.
Life Long Learning and Lecture Funds
ARTHUR SMILOWITZ MEMORIAL SPEAKERS FUND: sponsors lectures, speakers, movies or exhibits concerning Biblical Text and historical or archeological study concerning the bible and/or Jewish History.
HOWARD KANE MEMORIAL FUND: to support and enrich life-long Jewish learning through special programs in Adult Education.
JAY LITZMAN MEMORIAL TORAH STUDY AND SERVICE-IN-THE-ROUND FUND: sponsors guest study and service leaders for Torah study and services-in-the round as well as speakers and programs on selected Jewish learning topics.
COHN LIBRARY FUND: maintains the Charles Cohn Memorial Library.
LIFELONG LEARNING FUND: provides funding and defrays costs for Jewish lifelong learning programs at North Shore Synagogue.
SATURDAY AM MINYAN FUND: defrays costs of service, oneg, childcare, and prayerbooks.
Music, Worship and Special Programs and Purposes Funds
ONEG & FLOWER FUND: defrays cost of Shabbat flowers and oneg.
PRAYERBOOK FUND: purchases prayerbooks for the sanctuary.
NATHAN AND FLORENCE HENIN MEMORIAL FUND: fund temple events and programs and purchase items for the benefit of the synagogue.
ANTANIR TOT SHABBAT FUND: defrays cost of Tot Shabbat Service for 2-5 year olds and their families and provides a scholarship for a needy nursery school child in Israel.
CHARLES J. BARNETT FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC FUND: makes possible the presentation of great choral works and classical Reform compositions of our Jewish musical heritage.
LEON I. CHARASH SHABBAT ALIVE FUND: to offset costs of Shabbat Alive and musical services.
MICHAEL DREISIGER MEMORIAL FUND FOR HIGH HOLIDAY MUSIC: to support and enhance the music offered as part of our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur worship.
SCHWARTZ RELIGIOUS SCHOOL MUSIC FUND: supports musical programming & curriculum development for the children of North Shore Synagogue Religious School.
SATURDAY AM MINYAN FUND: defrays costs of service, oneg, childcare, and prayerbooks.
Youth, Nursery and Religious School Funds
RELIGIOUS SCHOOL TUITION RELIEF FUND: to establish funds for aid for Religious School tuition.
RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND: provides extra services and special programs and speakers for the children in our Religious School.
YOUTH GROUP FUND: defrays cost of our Youth Group Special Programs.
YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND: defrays expenses of delegates from our Youth Groups and Religious School to conclaves, camps, and convocations in cooperation with NFTY.
NURSERY SCHOOL FUND: provides extra services and special programs and speakers for the children in our Nursery School
COLLEGE GIFT FUND: provides packages and information at Chanukah and Passover to our college students.
PHILIP GOLDSTEIN MEMORIAL FUND: provides funding to purchase audio visual equipment for use by our Religious School and Youth Group and to help purchase furnishings for our Religious School.
SCHWARTZ RELIGIOUS SCHOOL MUSIC FUND: supports ongoing and special music programs in the religious school.
ANTANIR TOT SHABBAT FUND: defrays cost of Tot Shabbat Service for 2-5 year olds and their families and provides a scholarship for a needy nursery school child in Israel.
FAMILY PROGRAMS FUND: defrays expenses for our enriching family programs, including holiday workshops, Shabbat dinners, and family outings with a Jewish spirit.
Art, Garden, Building and Grounds Funds
SANCTUARY BEAUTIFICATION FUND: funds will be used to improve and beautify the sanctuary.
ALEX AND EDITH STEIN FUND: provides funds to purchase significant religious objects and museum quality art and to maintain and repair our Torahs.
HERMAN BERNSTEIN MEMORIAL FUND: goes toward the purchase of supplies for the Sanctuary.
DIANE’S GARDEN FUND: maintains the garden along the walkway by the Muttontown Road entry doors.
JUDY’S GARDEN FUND: maintains the garden along the walkway by the Religious School wing doors.
ROBERT STERNMAN MEMORIAL GARDEN FUND: maintains the new gardens around the Synagogue.
SHEILA GILBERT MEMORIAL GARDEN FUND: maintains the meditation garden in the area facing Muttontown Road.
BETH-ANN DANE MEMORIAL ART FUND: for the purchase of artwork to beautify the areas in and adjacent to the Sanctuary.